Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Reflecting on Christmas ღ

As I sit on our couch, enjoying the last minutes of Christmas, surrounded by my loved ones, the warmth of the fireplace, and the twinkling of our Christmas tree lights, I can't help but smile as I listen to my boys and husband laughing, while playing with their Christmas gifts, & an enormous sense of peacefulness & happiness fills my heart & soul.
As this Christmas closes, I am reflecting on this holiday season & yet another year that has passed us by. My heart is warmed with the cherished moments that we have made & a slight bit of sadness enters my heart knowing that all of these memories are now "just memories", and I can only hold them in my mind & heart, never being able to relive them again.
As I ponder the up coming New Year and my youngest son's Birthday that are approaching swiftly, I realize that these are the moments, the "priceless moments" that matter, and that I cannot grab hold of time & freeze it!
I recount & pray for my many blessings over & over & Thank God for them all, for I am overwhelmed with gratitude!
I am grateful for the birth of Jesus & his sacrifice for us, I am grateful for my husband, my boys, my friends & family, I am grateful for my faith, I am grateful for these "priceless moments"...well I could go on & on, for my list is endless.
As I say my farewells to another Christmas and another year, I leave you with this: Always cherish your memories & your blessings, for time does not slow down or cease, that if you open your heart & mind and just watch & listen, you can hear & see all the "beauty" that surrounds us. So make the most of it, even when everything is imperfect, even when you are hurting, even when you feel overwhelmed or stressed...learn to slow down, look & listen, to appreciate & cherish. And always say a prayer to Thank God for what you have, because someone out there has a deeper gratitude than you with much less than you have.
I sincerely hope that you all had an amazing Christmas filled with many blessings & happiness ღ
ღ Blessings & love ღ

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